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Profit is not the only Kryptonote!!! Discovering the superpowers of the business!!! Sponsored by the CA Chapter
Thursday, September 14, 2023, 3:30 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Category: Events

 California Chapter Webinar Event

Thursday, September 14, 2023
12:30 PM PST |3:30 PM EST | 2:30 CST

Profit is not the only Kryptonote!!! 
Discovering the superpowers of the business!!!

Fireside chat Sep 14th from 3:30 to 4:30 pm EST
with noted author and workplace consultant Shaara Roman


Shaara is a best-selling author, board member, award-winning entrepreneur, and former CHRO. She consults with leaders to create healthy workplaces by helping them build compelling cultures, design effective organizations, and align their people programs to meet business goals. 

Key Takeaways:

As leaders of various organizations and work groups, let us focus on not letting profits be our kryptonote! Let us discover our business's superpowers: our purpose, our people, and our values. As global leaders, we want to ensure to gain rich business insights to transform our organizations by building purpose-led, people-centric, and values-driven cultures.  

Shaara will be accompanied by four top leaders known for their expertise in driving corporate success through sharpening skills of the core workforce, team building, motivating performance results, and empowering to enhance core decision-making.

Michael McCluskey, Vice President of Pharmacy at Petco, is a passionate leader motivated by human connection and driven by empowering people and building first class teams where employees believe they are capable of and supported in reaching their goals and potential.


Miguel Fuentes, a Senior leader and Marine officer at the United States Marine Corps, brings a unique combination of military and academic experience to global business and policy and is very passionate and well-equipped to tackle the challenges facing today's rapidly changing global landscape.


Clayton Sikes, a Senior Leader from the IRS, a US Army veteran, and a business strategy consultant with a proven record of managing complex high-impact IT projects is passionate about creating a workplace that can optimize the people's potential. 

Ajith Krishnankutty, Vice President of Experiential Marketing with the Capital Group, is focused on delivering memorable experiences to customers across global markets and is passionate about creating inclusive workplaces to deliver everlasting and excitingly positive customer experiences.



Chair of  IERG  CA Chapter Raji Ramanan, Founder and principal of the Strategic Solutions Consultants group that provides leadership coaching and organizational development support to evolving and mature organizations.



Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors