Thank you to all who attended our recent IERG workshop on "Leading Under Pressure: How To Master Stress for Executive Success."  Thanks to Elena Palacios for being our Moderator.

Cindy addressed the Women's Leadership Conference in Boise, Idaho with 600 participants in-person and 300 online.

For those who couldn't join us, here are seven crucial takeaways to elevate your leadership in today's high-pressure business environment: 

1. The Stress and Burnout Epidemic

 83% of US workers report daily work-related stress and burnout is surging across all organizational levels. Understanding and addressing this, is critical for optimizing performance, productivity and well-being. 

2. Stress: A Personalized Challenge and an Organizational Impact

 Stress affects everyone differently. Recognizing its existence isn't enough - we need tailored strategies to conquer it effectively. 

3. Eustress vs. Distress: The Stress Paradox

 Not all stress is detrimental. Small doses can motivate and boost productivity (eustress), but excess stress(distress) can be silently crippling. Too little stress breeds complacency, stifles creativity, and stops growth.

4. Navigating the Stress Performance Curve

Based on the Yerkes-Dodson Law, this curve illustrates the tipping point where stress transforms from a performance enhancer to a performance killer.

5. Stress KPIs: What Gets Measured Gets Managed

 Forward-thinking leaders differentiate themselves by quantifying stress's impact on organizational health, productivity, and morale.

6. The Stress Quotient: Your Diagnostic Edge (Yes, you can measure stress at work) 

 While we provided templates for identifying stress signs and core stressors, the Stress Quotient tool offers a scientific approach to diagnosing stress symptoms and core stressors at work, enabling precise personal and team adjustments. 

Those who attended live had the opportunity to experience the Stress Quotient.  

You can download the 8 benefits of measuring stress at work: Here 

7. The 3D Stress Management Strategy

   Implement this three-tier defense system:

 Primary: Prevent stress by tackling the core stressors of your organization,

 Secondary: Equip your team with coping mechanisms 

Tertiary: Provide support for those most affected

Ready to revolutionize stress management in your organization?  

Feel free to reach out so we can continue the conversation.

Cindy Montgenie: Managing Partner at Edgy Strategies
Modern Leadership Solutions For A Diverse and Fast-Paced World
305-588-4114  |  www.edgystrategies.com
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