
The primary benefit of IERG is the rich and diverse membership of senior executive global talent. The membership comprise experience that spans virtually every industry, geography and function, and members share this wealth of knowledge, contacts and experience with each freely to benefit each other professionally and personally. In addition, IERG organizes social gatherings and programs on topics of professional interest to enhance member expertise and knowledge. These include webinars, panel discussions and speaker events When possible, these programs are recorded and maintained in an archive that can be accessed by members. IERG also establishes alliance relationships with other organizations that offer programs or benefits of interest to IERG members.

IERG maintains an active group and subgroups on LinkedIn for members to communicate on subjects of interest, ask questions of the membership at large (or members of Chapters, Groups, or SIGs), post leads, and share resources.


IERG hosts regular events open to the entire membership and qualified guests. These events include webinars on international business topics of interests and networking events with high profile speakers and can be found on the IERG calendar.

Alliance Relationships

IERG has alliance relationships and sponsorships with select organizations that offer benefits and services that are of interest to the membership or help strengthen IERG's global reach and impact.


Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors